it feels so weird but I am entering my last week in the mission. I dont feel it
but everyone tells me that im gone. I dont think it will hit me until i am in
the airport.
week was really awesome!
let you guys know, we are going to finish the mission up with a baptism! His
name is Gerson, he was an old investigador that we had that accepted a
baptismal date for this weekend. He went to church and everything and he is
ready to go. Wilfredo didnt go but his date is for this weekend. We arent
really sure with him but we hope that we can get him all ready for him to do
it! We are hoping for some miracles this week!
week the stake did a cool activity with the youth. We were part of the act and
we had to be there at 7 am. We got together with all the youth and we all split
up in groups and we went and contacted a bunch of people from 7am to 9am. It
was so cool to see the little youth all nervous to talk but by the end they
were doing it really good! We got a TON of references from the members and it
was really successful. Too bad that I only have one week left. We were able to
find some really cool people!
Thursday, we had to go to managua because my comp, Elder Aviles, had to take
his english test, and my other comp, Elder Vasquez had to renew his id. We lost
a lot of the day because right when we got back I had to go do some interviews
for the district and by the time i finished the day was over.
left with a member this week and she showed us to a couple new people. We saw
some cool miracles because we went a taught her brother who wasnt really
interested and as we were walking to the next meeting she just stopped and
started talking to a guy in the street and we started to talk to him and it turned
into a lesson and at the end he told us that he wanted to be baptized so we put
a baptismal date with him for the 21 of August. We went to the next meeting and
the girl wasnt there but her son was so we started to teach the son. We talked
to him about the final judgement and how it is important to prepare ourselves
and we talked about the things we need to do to be prepared and we talked to
him too about baptism and he accepted the goal to prepare to be baptized for
the 27th of August. It was awesome that we were able to find those people and
they werent even the people that we wanted to visit! Its so crazy how the lord
just puts people in your path to help them. Miracles.
As I
am finishing, I think about everything I have learned here in my mission. What
I have come to know is that Christ lives! He watches over us and helps us when
we are obedient to his commandments. I have come to learn that the atonement
covers us with arms of misery that helps us be able to enter into the kingdom
of God. Without the atonement, none of us would enter because God is just and
he will not let anyone in that has sins. But if we are obedient to the
commandments Christ will have mercy over us and we will be able to enter. I
know that this is his church and in it there is a big work. The signs are
showing of his coming and we are called to prepare the people for his return. I
love the Savior. I remember the scripture that says "but whosover should
lose their life for my sake, the same shall save it. When we look for Christ in
our lives we will find out that there is a happiness that never leaves. The
gospel is perfect and restored in these days!
I am
so very grateful for the oportunity I have to be a missionary and to preach the
gospel. I cannot wait to share with all you guys the many miracles I have seen
in my time here.
will see you all very soon!
love you!