This week we did a really cool activity with the ward. We watched meet the mormons and promised a bag of popcorn to every member who brought an investigador. It went well for us. We found some new people to work with for the activity and everyone loved the video. It was really stressful getting it all together for some problems we were having but at the end everything went good.
We were working with 3 people to get baptized this week. At the end of it all, only 1 got baptized. Her name is Cicilia. She is about 72 years old. She is really cool. We had a great baptismal service for her! A ton of members showed up and supported her!
This week there was a ward trip to Tegocigalpa in Honduras to the temple in our ward. 2 couples went and got sealed this week which was really cool to see. We got to see them right when they got home. You could definitely see the light they had with them. They were all so happy. The temple is really a beautiful thing. Its so cool to see the members show their faith and travel all that way to be able to participate in the temple.
Right before the baptism on Saturday I got a call saying that I had changes. I just moved to the other ward right across the street so it wasnt too bad. I am with Elder Esquivel now. He is from El Salvador. He is a cool dude. Elder Paz left the area too and he went to another zone of the mission. Also, they put sister missionaries in my old area so i am going to be helping them out so they know where the members live and everything.

I am pumped for general conference this week! i hope everyone goes!
Love you all!
Elder Sherle