What a crazy week I have had here everyone. Probably the craziest week of my entire mission.
I hope I can get all my thoughts down, i will just hit the big points and skip all the other details for today.
Thursday, Elder Duncan came down and spoke with us on Thursday. That dude is a cool guy. He talked to us about the work of the Lord here in Central America and how we are doing in the mission with accelerating the mission. He is the leader of all the central american missions so it was pretty cool to listen to him and be able to get some of his direction to help the people of Nicaragua.
Because of that meeting we didnt get home until super late on Thursday and we had our wedding set up on Friday at 1. So we wake up and go talk to the attorney and he had left to Managua and all the papers werent ready. So Lainez and I just bounced out of the house and started to get all the problems worked out. After 5 hours of working with their papers and the attorney and everything we finished at 12:30 and got everything ready for their wedding. At 2, we had their wedding. It was a cool wedding, it was Jose's and Maria's wedding. I will send you guys pictures of all the decorations and everything that we did. That was my 5th wedding that I have had here on my mission and I feel like it was the best one I have had. I am getting better at this whole wedding thing I guess! Practice makes perfect!

Saturday, I get a call from the mission office and they tell me my changes. Yes, I got changed. I am now in a place called PUERTO CABEZAS!!! Just to let all of you guys know, i am on the other side of Nicaragua now, right on the coast. I took a tiny little plane here and got here about an hour ago. This area is the area that everyone in the mission wants to be in. I could only bring 30 pounds of my luggage, just the necassary things. Now, I am completely separted from the mission. Not even President comes over here very often, about 3 times a year he comes over here. From what I have seen so far, this place is like Jamaica or something. Its super different, its way more tropical and oceany. I havent got to go to the beach yet but they told me we are going to have a zone bonfire on the beach tomorrow night! I am so pumped to be here. There is a dialect here call Mesquito and I am going to have to learn a little bit of it while Im here. I have the chance now to learn a third language! Pretty sick.This place is straight jungle though. I thought Ocotal was crazy but this place is so much more tropical and jungly. Its sick. The missionaries say that here in Puerto Cabezas it is a completely different world from what i have seen. My comps name is Elder Choque, he came with me from the MTC. We were in the same district together back in Mexico. We are giong to have a good time.
One thing is I am sad to leave all my converts in Ocotal. It was pretty hard to say goodbye to them. I honestly didnt want to leave them. Its the hardest thing baptising them and not being able to see them keep growing spiritually. I love them so much, it was hard. I definitely hope I get to see them again before I leave.
It has been a pretty crazy week. I am tired. Its super humid here but I am excited to be here.
Last but not least, just want to give a quick birthday shoutout to my mama jamma! I love ya mama jamma i hope you have a great day!!! I LOVE YOU!!
Ill talk to you all next week!
Elder Sherle
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