Hey fammmm! It has been another good week down here in Puerto, as always.

This week the attendance at church was pretty low. I think it is because it did not stop raining all week. It is crazy. I have been in my poncho and my rain boots every day. It rains so hard here. So i dont think a lot of people came because on Sunday morning the sun was out for the first time in the week so everyone was putting up their clothes to dry and washing all their clothes. Just so everyone knows, everyone here washes their clothes by hand and they use the sun to dry them so they took advantage of the sun and didnt go to church. I guess that is a good excuse. If you dont have clothes, you cant go to church. So hopefully this rain will stop for a little bit this week.
So like I told you guys, we had to combine our areas and now we have to do what 4 missionaries used to do. It has been a little difficult as we have had to balance my area and his area. This week we did one day in my area and one day in his area. I liked doing that but at the same time it was hard for me because are people that I want to visit every day but I couldnt. We will see how we do it this week. In both our areas we have good investigadors so we cant just ditch one. We are going to look for a base in the area so we have a main spot where we work so that we dont waste too much time walking to meetings. I think just with a little time we will get the rythmn of things over here.
On Tuesday, my first contact in my comp's area we found a cool family and the best thing was we were with a member and so we shared with them a cool message and they accepted to be baptized. We sang a hymn and I could really feel the spirit in the lesson and the member helped us with the Miskito so it was a great lesson. They are really cool family but they are from the Moravan church and are really strong in the church. They know that they have to follow Christ and do what he asks them to do, but they are having a hard time coming to the conclusion that they will have to change religions. Here, there are a lot of traditions. The people say at whatever church the parents died thats where the kids need to be and if the kids move from that church they will be cursed or something. So it is really hard for people to not follow in their tradition and change something that they have always done. But Christ says "I am the way the truth and the light. No one comes to the Father except through me", so following Christ is the only way we are going to make it to our father.
Only the wife went to church this weekend and she said she liked it. We also had 8 other people in the church so it was a successful day for us. We were really happy with that because of all the changes in our areas but the Lord provided and we had success.

I want to share with you guys a cool scripture i found this week. Its in D y C 58:26-28
26 For behold, it is not meet that I should command in all things; for he that is compelled in all things, the same is aslothful and not a wise servant; wherefore he receiveth no reward.
27 Verily I say, men should be anxiously engaged in a good cause, and do many things of their own free will, and bring to pass much righteousness;
28 For the power is in them, wherein they are agents unto themselves. And inasmuch as men do good they shall in nowise lose their reward.
I like this because it says that we should never have to wait to do good works. We should be anxiously engaged in doing good works and choosing the right. It should be the desire of our hearts to follow the Lord and not have to have someone tell us to do so.
Thats what I got for you guys this week! I hope everyone has a great week!
Kaiki Was!
Elder Sherle
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